Be a part of creating a welcoming, comfortable, safe and distraction-free environment where our guests can encounter God.
Ushers, Greeters, Parking Lot, Safety & Security
Help people find authentic community and grow in Christ-likeness!
Men, Women, Armor Bearers, EMI – Elders, Ministers & Intercessors, Christian Education, Deacons, Deaconess, Mothers, Shepherd’s Heart, Shepherd’s Hands, Altar Workers, Seniors, Culinary, Children & Nursery, Youth & Young Adult
Be a part of creating services with a spirit of excellence for our members, partners, guests and community to encounter God on Sundays and at special events.
Worship & Arts – Praise Team/ Praise Dancers/ Media/ Visual Arts/ Sound & Lighting, A-Team, Trustees
Help bring hope to every person you come in contact with in the community and beyond through service and sharing the love of Christ!
Missions & Evangelism